Zyxel USG210: Networkmonitoring with Munin
Install Munin first then enable SNMP on UDP port 161, set the SNMPv2c Get Community to public and click Apply.

Check if SNMP is running, assuming that the Zyxel USG210 is named gateway with IP address
nmap -sU -p 161 gateway
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-07-04 09:53 CEST
Nmap scan report for gateway (
Host is up (0.0029s latency).
rDNS record for gateway.domain.xx
161/udp open snmp
MAC Address: 00:19:CB:00:00:00 (Zyxel Communications)
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.37 seconds
Add FQDN to munin.conf, use 127.0.01 as IP address
vi /etc/munin/munin.conf
use_node_name no
Create a file in this folder and add SNMP-community, SNMP port, IP address and SNMP version
vi /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/gateway.domain.xx
env.community public
env.port 161
env.version 2
Restart Munin
service munin restart
Find out which metrics are available
munin-node-configure --snmp gateway.domain.xx --snmpcommunity public
Plugin | Used | Suggestions
------ | ---- | -----------
snmp__cpuload | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__df | no | yes (+gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__df_ram | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__fc_if_ | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__fc_if_err_ | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__if_ | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx/1 gateway.domain.xx/17 gateway.domain.xx/18 gateway.domain.xx/19 gateway.domain.xx/2 gateway.domain.xx/20 gateway.domain.xx/21 gateway.domain.xx/3)
snmp__if_err_ | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx/1 gateway.domain.xx/17 gateway.domain.xx/18 gateway.domain.xx/19 gateway.domain.xx/2 gateway.domain.xx/20 gateway.domain.xx/21 gateway.domain.xx/24 gateway.domain.xx/25 gateway.domain.xx/26 gateway.domain.xx/27 gateway.domain.xx/3 +gateway.domain.xx/28 +gateway.domain.xx/29)
snmp__if_multi | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__load | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__memory | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__netapp_diskusage_ | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__netapp_inodeusage_ | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__netstat | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__print_pages | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__print_supplies | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__processes | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__rdp_users | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__sensors_fsc_bx_fan | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__sensors_fsc_bx_temp | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__sensors_fsc_fan | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__sensors_fsc_temp | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__sensors_mbm_fan | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__sensors_mbm_temp | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__sensors_mbm_volt | no | no [[[ plugin has neither autoconf not suggest support ]]]
snmp__swap | no | yes (+gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__uptime | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__users | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__winload | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx)
snmp__winmem | yes | yes (gateway.domain.xx)
Create Symlinks
munin-node-configure --snmp gateway.domain.xx --snmpcommunity public -shell
ln -s '/usr/share/munin/plugins/snmp__df' '/etc/munin/plugins/snmp_gateway.domain.xx_df'
Restart Munin
service munin restart