Dovecot + ISPConfig: Allow dots for IMAP folder
If Dovecot does not allow dots for IMAP foldernames, the „separator“ has to be changed to support dots for folder names for Google Mail and Microsoft Exchange compatibility. Allow Dovecot
WeiterlesenKnowledgebase von Gerald Allerstorfer
If Dovecot does not allow dots for IMAP foldernames, the „separator“ has to be changed to support dots for folder names for Google Mail and Microsoft Exchange compatibility. Allow Dovecot
WeiterlesenNormally Rspamd only inserts „X-Spam: Yes“ into the header of a spam mail and the extended spam headers are only visible in the Rspamd log file or in the „History“
WeiterlesenRspamd uses its own white/blacklists, some of which are updated online all the time. This can influence the user’s white/blacklist settings and for example lead to system messages to root
WeiterlesenRspamd should be monitored by Monit and restarted automatically if the service stops running. If Rspamd comes without a PID file, a suitable configuration for Monit would be like this:
WeiterlesenRspamd is reading the header „Return-Path“ but this is normally already occupied by getmail and therefore interferes with the spamfilter white/blacklists of ISPConfig. To avoid this, you have to pass
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